
Why Bridging Alone Was Never Enough ft. Sam (Mach)

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Welcome to another episode of The Insider, where we chat with the people pushing boundaries in the crypto space and talk about their personal journeys, motivations, and everything in between.

Today, we're sitting down with Sam, co-founder of Mach. In this episode, we talk about about why bridging assets across chains isn’t enough and why cross-chain swaps are the real endgame.

Sam explains it simply: bridging is like flying from one airport to another. But no one goes to a city just to stay at the airport — they go to do something in the city. Likewise, bridging only gets you part of the way. To reach the actual destination (the asset you need), we need cross-chain swaps.

We also dig into the economics of running solvers and how intent-based bridges can stay profitable long term.

If you’re curious about the future of bridges and the challenges ahead, this episode is packed with valuable insights.